Newborn sessions typically occur 5-15 days after birth to insure that a sleepy baby arrives for easier posing HOWEVER, that is not always the case! I’ve photographed hundreds of newborns and I’ve had some that were 5 days old and WIDE AWAKE! And, I’ve had 1 month old’s who sleep like champs. There’s no real rhyme or reason to it- they are all different- just little people with their own temperaments, dislikes and comforts.
I aim for that timeframe simply because the percentage that do come in during that time are generally pretty easy to pose, but I fully acknowledge there are exceptions to this rule! For SURE!!!
So now you know why you need to book that newborn session BEFORE the baby is born and be ready to coordinate it within the first two weeks. If you’re expecting a baby and would like to have a newborn session, I highly recommend booking it early at least 1-2 months before baby arrives if not sooner based on my availability.