With each new year, I can’t help but reflect on the past year to see what went really well and what could have been better. Over the past few years a kind of burnout has occurred within me that I’ve never really experienced before. As a creative person, I’m always excited to try new things, explore new techniques or styles that I haven’t tried before. It can be a constant cycle of create. create. create. But, at a certain point it becomes too much! So, I decided with this new year that I would have a new resolution to “KISS” more!! or “Keep It Simple Stupid”!
I tend to overcomplicate my life and work in many ways. This mantra has been in the forefront of my mind for the past few months so I decided to make it my New Year’s resolution!
For those of you out there struggling with this same issue, feel free to take this with you! It’s really simple but just remember to “KISS” yourself! We already have complicated lives as it is, so why not make it easier on yourself when you can. This is my web-hug to you :).
The photo below is one of my favorite places to shoot at outdoors. It brings me peace which is why I am sharing it with you.